As we slowly coming down from the first floor to the ground floor and starts sniffing the good awesome stuff will be at those land of grey carpet with dark navy blue duct tape, and yes, it is true what they said,
Trademark event is an emporium of unique and RARE products..
Ifa, Ratu and Yasmin playing with the coolest stuff from Koola Stuffa, and thank you! Dina for giving us free stuff from
NYALA, it must be on the inList for the next FMNstyle fashion spreads
Our Last pict from day one of stuff & style hunting
awesome street art wear, daf.
need this for the real Ars 07 picnic plan
Anin wearing Tosavica top and Zara wedges
Yasmin with her new pre production \ cantilevv err / wedges by Snec footwear
Ashfi wearing Kelom Geulis Keng originally from Bandung since 1942
bought new stuffs, alhamdulillah, better not forget to give, there is always an outcome after an income, say goodbye after say hello.
Try harder to reach balance in life.
Us human either be too much or too less, it is damn hard to be at between.
shop with dignity and feel wiser
Salam & Respect